Walker Payne

Walker's personal blog.

Walker Weekly – the last French press you’ll ever need, and how to change the world

Welcome to Walker Weekly, a regularly scheduled newsletter where I share things that I find interesting, useful, inspiring, or thought-provoking. If you have anything of your own that falls into these categories, please let me know in the comments! I’m always looking for new inspiration.


Underrated Ways to Change the World (Experimental History). I’m still on my journey of figuring out ways to help improve the world. My day job helps people with the arduous task of managing diabetes, but I kind of like the idea of a night job that helps people too. Something like a laptop-wielding batman who helps people in need. The question for me, along this line of thinking, is: is doing anything “good” ever done with purely good intentions, or is any “good” act motivated by selfish reasons?

Anyways, I digress. This blog post by Adam gave me a few out-of-the-box ideas for how to change the world, and a new appreciation for those that have changed the world but do so in the silent wings, outside of the limelight. Here’s to them.

New obsession

YETI Rambler French Press Coffee Maker. Damn, this thing ridiculous. Yes, I (we, technically – I could never justify such a purchase on my own) paid $110 for a French press. But here’s the thing. I’ve had three other French presses in the past, and with each one, someone inevitably comes along and decides to break it (it was me). The usual French press is made of glass, and glass, it turns out, is not very durable. I’d get a few months of use out of each one, but without fail, eventually, I would be hand washing it, scraping out the grounds, and accidentally tap it against the sink. So for a device I use every single day, I decided it was time to turn it up a notch and find the most ridiculously overbuilt, overengineered version possible. YETI made that for me. Thank you, YETI.

My great great grandchildren will inherit this press. Plus, I can use it as a club to beat someone over the head with if needed.

Quote I’m chewing on, for work and for life

Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.

Sun Tzu

That’s all for this week, thanks a lot for following along!

Stay curious,


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